Kata Kata Mutiara Cinta Bahasa Inggris

Kata Kata Mutiara Cinta Bahasa Inggris

You are being hurt by the betrayal, listen to this ...
Retaliation for her to betray the prettiest love, is a person wanted by the people better than she.
Do not lower your personal classroom because his fraud.
Do not ruin the yourself because she lied.
Do not dim the light beauty of your face because of his ugliness.
And do not obey the general trend to take anything as a replacement so you do not feel disposed.
You are more classy than that.
Heed you. Announce to your heart in a more socially respectable.
It's hard to look good behind the wounds of betrayal.
But be patient.
Be the first person more attractive to people who are more classy than a traitor in love.
You'll appreciate it later, because the real betrayal is your salvation.

Kata Kata Mutiara Cinta Bahasa Inggris
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